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/ Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

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Initial Condition

You must first ensure that it is possible to establish a joint supervision agreement with the partner institution, since a framework collaboration agreement must first be signed between UdeM and the partner institution in question. The absence of a framework agreement could mean that it will not be possible to proceed with your joint supervision project. 

To do so, you must first contact the International Coordinator of Graduate and Postdoctoral studies at: and provide the following information:

  • The name of the university and the country where you are currently registered for the doctorate.
  • The name of the program and the start date of your doctoral training at this university.
  • The possible admission date to the Université de Montréal and/or to the partner university, if applicable.


To be eligible for the joint Ph.D. program, candidates must be officially accepted to Université de Montréal, to a Ph.D. program on the basis of an application for admission submitted online and must also be officially admitted in the partner institution.


Doctoral candidates must be registered as full-time students, compulsory and simultaneously, in the two institutions and remain registered, uninterrupted, for the full length of the program. Foreign doctoral candidates must ensure that their registration at UdeM is properly completed at the beginning of each session, by specifying that they are continuing their academic training under a co-advisorship and by presenting proof of registration in the host institution, signed by the appointed research supervisor.

Tuition Fees

Doctoral candidates pay their registration and tuition fees, each session, and only in the institution in which they are staying.

Periods of Residency

Doctoral candidates carry out their required courses and research projects while alternating between the two institutions, for periods based on mutual agreements between the two research supervisors.

Doctoral candidates must spend at least three (3) terms in the first 2 (2) years of the Ph.D. in each institution.

Foreign students wishing to study at UdeM will find all the information to prepare for their stay at the UdeM International Web site

Procedures for Entry and Staying Abroad

The students from UdeM will find all the information to plan their stay abroad on the Website of UdeM International.

Co-advisorship Agreement Signature

Students wishing to register in a Ph.D. program under the conditions of a co-advisorship must first obtain the approval of the partner institution and of Université de Montréal. An agreement is then signed by the doctoral candidate, the two research supervisors and the authorities in charge of each of the institutions.

The co-advisorship only becomes official when Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) has received all the signatures from UdeM and those of the partner university. At Université de Montréal, the Associate Vice-Rector for GPS holds the authority to involve Université de Montréal in a specific co-advisorship.

This agreement stipulates and confirms the admission of the candidate in the two institutions and specifies the academic requirements of the program of study as well as a certain number of guaranteed points for the smooth running of the co-advisorship, particularly regarding the social welfare protection.