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/ Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

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Research Supervisor

When to choose your research supervisor?

The choice of a research supervisor is a crucial step and must be done, if possible, at the time of admission to the program. When the selection is made early, students can count on the immediate support of their supervisor to make decisions that will have a major impact on the their academic journey.

Otherwise, students must make the choice within the first session of course work in the case of a master’s with thesis and within the first two sessions in the case of a Ph.D.

What are the research supervisor’s responsibilities?

The main responsibility of the research supervisor is to provide the student with the best possible supervisory framework.

As a resource person, the research supervisor helps the student to define the program of study, to formulate the research project, to plan the direction the program will take, and to find the financial support necessary to pursue this program of study.

This supervisory framework involves regular intellectual support – both scientific and technical, human support and attentive supervision covering the initial phase of studies until the final evaluation of the master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation.

A well-chosen research supervisor will be focused on enabling the student to obtain the diploma within reasonable timelines and with maximum efficiency.

To find out more...

...on the supervisory framework in graduate programs, GPS has published a brochure intended for students registered in academic research programs.

Your supervisory framework in graduate programs.