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/ Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

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The Training or Research intern is registered in an undergraduate or a graduate program in another university or in a higher education institution and, in order to complete research toward the requirements of his home university, is registered at the Université de Montréal (UdeM) for a minimum period of one month, but not exceeding 12 months.

During his stay at the UdeM, the Training or Research intern is supervised by a professor; he is not registered in any course. At the end of his research training, the student returns to his home institution to complete and to obtain his degree.

The Training or Research intern is not eligible for any graduate degree. However he is subject to the regulations of the Université de Montréal. International students who are in a Bureau de la coopération internationale (BCI) exchange program or who are part of exchange student agreements are not considered as Training or Research interns.

A student who has obtained his degree may register as a Training or Research intern at the UdeM at most six months after the completion of his last degree. However, he must have obtained an admission in a study program at the Université de Montréal for a coming term.